Thursday, July 11

Photos from last couple of days.

As most of you know my camera is never very far away.
I had some volunteer milkweed plants in my front flower bed and I left them there because I know they can be beneficial to butterflies and bees. So these pics are my attempts to catch them partaking.
The blue flowers are balloon flowers. I first got the seeds from Keri.

 Milkweed plants

And these are bike trail photos from this mornings walk. Yes, I have turned over a new leaf and getting back to walking at least 3 to 4 days a week.

Jason and I have an asparagus patch locked and loaded on our minds. It is centrally located in this photo. In the Spring I raid it if I remember to wear my old shoes. It can be wet and unpleasant in that ditch.

This morning these 3 were coming toward me so I snapped a photo of them. I do not know who they are and I was mentally commending them for their healthy intentions until I smelled the cigarette smoke as they passed me.
 I love how the sunlight settles in through the trees.

 Soybean fields


This little house at the entrance to the fairgrounds has a place in my memories. It is the ticket house where my parents and/or grandmother would stop to buy our tickets to the fair. I am glad they have left it in place,

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