Saturday, October 27

Carrying my camera

So I am taking my camera with me most everywhere I go looking for opportunities. We were invited to a gathering and I have several pictures from that. Sorry, but the only names I remember are that of our hosts. They also are our neighbors. Dave and Liz were the first to invite and include us. That is something most people always remember and we will too.
We are getting settled but have not attended many functions yet. I probably should amend that, Butch has been playing golf and pool. We have started our walking routine but do not have a firm number on how far yet. We went straight from winter back to summer as the temps are in the high 80's.
This morning Butch and I went to Rio Valley Estates and visited with Mickey's sister Donna and her husband Bobby. We drove around the park and looked because quite a few of our Magnolia people have moved there but they must have been doing their Saturday morning shopping because we didn't see any familiar faces.
We then stopped at Magnolia and visited with former neighbors Mike and Carolyn and our old and dear friends Donn and Peggy Gordon. The people will be what we miss most.
A family of dogs has moved into the park, a mama dog with her teats hanging low and five or six puppies plus another single dog. They all seem friendly but that is hardly the point. I understand the dogs are being fed and befriended by a couple of different residents. The pool looked very clean and nice but Andy told me they cannot get the temperature thing figured out- the hot tub is cool and the swimming pool is hot.
We feel we have made the right decision and our only regrets are leaving our friends behind.
Here are some pictures of the past couple of days:

The above pictures were party pics the one below was happenstance on our walk. The fellow on the left asked me what I was doing with my pictures and I told him I had a blog. He said, Oh NO! I said, No worries. No one will see it or know your name! Well, Alright then!.
 The above neighbors had been working most of the day readying the yards for the sod they received this morning.

Really he is not as old or as grumpy as he appears.

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