Thursday, August 16

Lunch and stuff

I would hate to hazard a guess as to how many tomato knives I have purchased at the Don-Wes Flea Market. They are the best thing ever for slicing a tomato. This lunch of mine was delicious! Fried eggs and sliced tomatoes.

Pictures from earlier: Butch finally got to test drive the new grill. He is thinking it takes longer to cook on this one. Maybe it just takes longer to heat up.

 On my walk this morning Virginia and I were talking about getting copies of pictures so I was telling her about Snapfish ( so when I came home I stopped by the website to see what was new because I have not used it for a couple of years. The last time I was there I painstakingly put together some blank cards with my photos so I could put verses on them that were appropriate. At that time they did not have an easy way to do it but to my surprise they now do! So I got carried away and put together a few boxes of blank cards with my own photos. These are the ones I ordered. I had a 50% off coupon.

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