Saturday, July 14

Medical procedures plus this and that

Butch and I are getting tired of medical procedures. Butch had his second one on the left side of his face yesterday. If Dr. Poag didn't get it all this time it will mean a trip to the hospital so lets all hope for a positive outcome. We will be finding out next Wednesday.
We want to still get in a trip on the Mississippi River but with all these interruptions it is hard to get it scheduled.

My trivia experience was a good one last Wednesday. We still have only two teams however those two teams change a bit each week and they tell me they are having a good time. 
For a little background, Butch and I are on Team McDugan on Thursday nights at HyVee. The name of the team is "McDugan" because Dick (Dugan) McQuillen and his wife Sharon first formed the team and chose that name because Dick was christened with the name Dugan by one of his classmates in high school and it stuck. 
Dugan is VERY good at trivia and we all gladly let him take the lead, Sometimes we argue with him and sometimes we check his answer before he turns it in so nothing wonky happens because it did once but for the most part we look to Dugan for the answers. So on Wednesday nights at the Elks, the trivia night that I put together, everyone wants to be on Dugan's team. At the Elks Club his team is known as A-Team so the other team chose B-Team for their name. A-team was doing very well in the first half and I was feeling sorry for the B-Team. It looked like they were going to be a complete bust. Those of you who play know that the Double Down 4th round can change everything and it certainly did. B-Team won!! I hope this win generates some more people coming next week.

I was asked to remove the questions from the blog by the owner of the questions so I have done so.

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