Tuesday, January 26

I'm Alive!

Yes, we have survived the stomach flu. For those questions you have: Yes, we had a flu shot. Flu shots are for respiratory flu. We had gastrointestinal flu and it is a virus with no cure and no vaccine to my knowledge. I read up on it when Butch first came down with it. Excellent article and you can read it here:

Lots of good advice and I tried to implement as much of it as possible. 

We have found out where it was contracted and just as I expected it was a pool hall, but not our pool hall. Butch played pool at a park that will not be named a week ago Monday, the 18th and found out he had the flu Tuesday night. When the Monday pool group reconvened yesterday the conversation confirmed that many people from the unnamed park had the stomach flu.

Despite all my efforts to avoid it, my visit happened Friday night. It saps the living health right out of you. So I am feeling some better but I am weak and wobbly legged. I have been able to eat some but queasiness quickly reminds me if I exceed the body recommended capacity.
Enough of all this for now. Will post again when something of note flits into my head.

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