Saturday, May 30

Frustrated, Forgetful, Old and Cranky

That post title probably best describes me. Some random facts; Colleen is back from Florida, selling her Jefferson house and we have sporadically been able to walk. My niece Karla has moved and we have been helping her with details. We have either been waiting for it to quit raining or waiting for it to dry out. The patio is finished but not yet decked out in finery due to the weather statement.

My to-do list involves getting flowers planted and other landscaping details. I have all kinds of ideas I want to implement and for the most part, have been stymied by one thing or another.

I know many of you are acquainted with Colleen and may be surprised that she is selling her Jefferson home. After visiting her in Florida, I am not. If I were in her position and choosing to downsize to one home it would be the Florida one I would keep. I would always choose warm over cold and it is a beautiful place. I will miss her tremendously, but I rest assured that though visits may be further apart they will still take place. I always prefer to think the parting of friends for any reason is temporary. And in this technological age we are never far apart.
I took this photo a few minutes ago while sitting in the new room looking at unfinished projects...

One of my pending projects. My plan includes painting the pavers as well as the pallets and I doubt that I will choose white and gray.

Taken while touring Spring Lake on a drying out day.

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