Wednesday, February 19

Slow down

I sent out an email to some of my newbie computer people because I haven't heard from any of them for a few days. The feedback is that they are figuring out things on their own. Good news! For them and me. I did get a bit of a hint that Fridays lesson should be about organizing files and folders. That is something that can get out of hand before you know it as we all know.
Butch has a cold/allergies. I also have a touch of the allergy business. The trees are leafing out and it is always a time that gives our allergies fits both north and south. Butch being the energizer bunny that he is always works through this cold/allergy business. I on the other hand if it is severe curl up in a ball and wait till it goes away. I am not at that point but if I were suffering in the same way he is I would be.
Our friends in Canyon Lake, Terry and Lisa Linder will be picking up our headboard at Ikea for us in the next few days. So that seals our path out of the valley this Spring. We will be going to Canyon Lake for sure. Do not know where from there. That is still an unknown.
My thoughts have been turning in that direction lately but only my thoughts. We went back way too early last Spring and we do not plan to repeat that mistake. We shivered for two months last year. We would have the house this year so we would not be shivering in the moho at least.
So it is time to check in the the Sochi Olympics...
Till next time!

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