Thursday, October 25

Refrigeration in Llano Tx

We drove over to Burnet, Tx (30 miles)and the Lee Hoffpauir RV and Truck Repair facility yesterday afternoon and were treated most kindly. We waited a mere 15 minutes for service and they were able to temporarily fix things so the fridge would work until the repair part gets here. It was the recall box. There had been a previous recall and it was this box that went bad. The bouncy roads of Oklahoma had helped loosen a battery cable and may have been the cause. Butch suspicions it anyway. But the part has been ordered and they trust Butch to put it on so we can drive over in the car to pick it up when it gets here. What it really means is that we are here till the part arrives and may delay our departure to the Rio Grande Valley. We were planning to leave on Sunday but it may not happen. I will call and tell those expecting us what the deal is if we are delayed. If they are blog readers they will already know!

Our friends Terry and Lisa Linder from Canyon Lake Tx arrived yesterday while we were gone but we quickly caught up. Went to the Burger Bar for supper and we are finding it easy to eat out on South Beach if we are careful when we order. Butch had chicken fried steak and a salad while I had chicken salad on a bed of lettuce and tomatoes. Tasty and filling. My BS level this morning was a normal 100! BS=Blood Sugar in case you attach a different meaning to BS. wink, wink.

Today's plan includes golf for the guys while Lisa and I are going to take a long walk and then be Llano tourists. Llano is a small town similar in size to Jefferson and their beautiful courthouse square is surrounded with interesting little shops.They do not have a bell tower, however. One of the shops is called Stuffology and contains just what you might imagine-stuff. I plan to be busy with my camera today. Llano's motto is Llano-Land of Legend and Lures. Maybe I can find out what the legend is. The lures refers to fishing I am guessing. The RV park we are staying in is connected to a 18 hole golf course and a river. Their rates are very of the reasons we are here.

Here is what I found out about the Llano River which runs by us about a 100 yards from our RV. We are staying in the Robinson City Park.

Llano River

Llano River is one of the last wild rivers left in Texas. Starting in Kimble County, which boasts over 1000 springs, Llano flows eastward from Kimble Country, through Mason Country and into Llano County before it empties into Lake LBJ at the junction with the Colorado River at Kingsland, Texas.  The Llano River flows through rocky terrain covered with mesquite, bee bush and cactus. It is dotted with live oak and post oak trees.
Some of the fauna you might view along the Llano River include bald eagles, hawks, kingfishers, owls, wild turkey, quail, dove, white-tail deer, escaped exotics, wild hogs, rattlesnakes, coyotes and all manner of varmints inhabit the river banks.
The Llano River flows over granite and limestone with sand and gravel bars common. Wading is easy for fishing. Fly fishermen can do wet wading from the middle of Spring until the first freeze which usually occurs in late fall.  Fishing from a canoe or kayak is also great on the Llano.  
The Llano is a navigable stream. As long as the angler is in the water, it is considered public land.  Property rights of landowners should be respected at all times. Frequently you will be allowed access if you ask. Public access is available at the James River Crossing, the Highway 87 Bridge south of Mason, the town of Castell, Rio Llano east of Llano, Robinson City Park in Llano.

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