Wednesday, June 13

Oak Flooring Fizzles

It seems that as soon as people find out there is a bit of work involved to attaining this "free" oak flooring they are no longer interested. We have had 6 inquiries but no takers as yet. So plan B is to go ahead and take it up ourselves and then set a price of $200 plus . It would still be a bargain.
Butch started on the electrical while I put together one of his favorite meals as a reward. Pot roast. Also got my early morning walk in and did 3 loads of laundry.
Daily watering of plants and flowers is also necessary to keep everything alive but I imagine many of you are in the same boat on that one.
My friend Sherri who runs a daycare had a post on Facebook that really made me chuckle. "Cleaning house with children in it, is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos." Every mother I know understands that one completely!

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