Tuesday, March 20

Too Busy Day

Most of my day involved my job as president and it was stressful  and boring to most of you and not much fun to me but putting that aside Butch fielded a phone call to me from my doctors nurse who needed to talk to me and she finally did reach me. It seems a company called Select RX faxed my doctor saying I had requested a back brace and they needed her okay. Since my doctor and I had not discussed a problem with my back she was checking with me to see if this was true. Of course it was not true and I informed her nurse of that. But how many times is a similar situation mishandled with someone receiving a back brace they do not need and Medicare paying someone committing fraud.
It was just one of those days as the song goes.
My job as president is suspended on April 1st and does not resume until November 1st so I can see the end of the tunnel and it is looking very good. wink, wink.
Back with ya'all very soon.

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