Monday, January 16

Days Whiz by...

We have been taken back by how the time flies by. I get our vitamin supplements ready each week putting all the capsules into containers by the days of the week. I generally do this on Sunday mornings. It seems like I am doing it frequently. We are into the middle of January in a new year and it does not seem possible but here it is. Jason was saying that some people worry about how they might fill their time when they retire and he was asking if I knew of anyone that was a problem for. My answer to him basically was that if that were so it was by choice. The days fill up and fast and when we are here in this warm weather area it happens at lightening speed. It is impossible to take part in everything offered. I gave up trying to do it all a long time ago.
The number one thing that will stop retirees from getting to do all they want to do are health issues so my advice to the young is take good care of yourself and when you reach the senior years you will be glad you did.
I know Butch plans to play shuffleboard this morning and after he gets up I plan to wash the sheets. This afternoon is crafts for me and he will probably meander over to the pool hall. I really need to get over there too. I enjoy playing pool when I get there to do it.
It promises to be a warm day today so we seniors will be out and about saying "hey" to all we meet.

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