Saturday, October 15


Maybe it is the cooler weather. Not sure what it is but I am on a cooking jag. Hard to believe, I know, but there you are. I have done more cooking today than I have in one day since the kids were home. They are in their late forty's and early fifties so you know it has been a very long time. For supper we are having meatloaf and baked potatoes. It is all ready to go in the oven when the time is right. And then I am making Bean and Bacon soup. This is mainly to take part of the batch to my friend Denise to heat up when they are of a mind to after she gets home from the hospital. She brought me soup when I had a cold and it really hit the spot. I will enclose both recipes. I got both of these recipes from  a trusted source of recipes for many years.
Leo and his little buddy came by this afternoon and aerated our yard. It actually did double duty because the leaves are not what they used to be either. They are sort of semi chopped up. Leo is determined that we have grass. See, we do not much care if it is grass or weeds as long as it is green. Perhaps that comes from staying too long in Texas. The yard sure looks nice though and thanks Leo!

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