Saturday, March 26

Great week

I have had time to breathe a bit and visit and look through my pictures. I have relied on my friends for many things this season. When I am busy, busy I do not like to take time to cook, particularly bake. And I have a couple of friends, Kay S. and Peggy, who have bailed me out time and time again. It seems it is written somewhere that wives have to make cakes so when one was requested of me I "delegated". I sure appreciate it that they help me in this way, no joke. SO on my birthday these two presented me with an Easy Bake Cake Mix. I understand that if they could have found an Easy Bake Oven I would have had one of those too. So when I unwrapped my gift they told me when I baked it I must share it. This week I found 30 seconds to bake my easy bake cake and frost it. And here is the picture. For perspective it is on a cottage cheese container lid. And yes, I did share it.

Next story: Peggy was sitting out front reading. Out of the corner of her eye she would see a leaf in a hole on the railing and then 'Whoosh' it would disappear. She watched this for quite some time and discovered that bee's were taking the leaves in the hole. And then this cigar looking thing fell out of the hole.

She brought it over and I took a picture of it and then did some research. This is what I found.
This website explains all about them. We learned something new because we didn't even know they existed!

I have had time to bead a bracelet or two, read a book (World Without End by Ken Follett) that is very hard to put down. It really felt good to get to do some of what I call fun for a change.
We have plans to go to South Padre tomorrow.

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