Tuesday, October 19


We have had much fun with the town name Peculiar (Missouri) over the years and we still do. For instance the Peculiar police cruised by here a few minutes ago. My beading friend Linda Payne said they had great fun with Flippin (Arkansas) once when they stayed there. She said the best one was the Flippin Baptist Church!
Our trip from Cutty's campground in Grimes IA to Peculiar was uneventful and those are always the best kind. I have had lots of positive feedback about the wedding pictures and everyone wants more. When I go to an event where there are professional photographers I try to get the shots they may not see. Also a person can get wrapped up in the camera end of things and essentially miss the fun of the event. I try not to do that. Hopefully Leo, Keri and Erin will provide me with more pictures and I will post them as they do.
So now we are in the land of dear great-granddaughter Elise of which we were in attendance of last evening. She is such a happy baby and cheerfully puts up with much jostling by grandparents. I hope to do some camera work on her later today.
We did go to a volleyball game that Grandpa Gary was refereeing and I did take a picture of him at work.
Gary is the one in the white shirt.
More later...

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