Tuesday, February 17

What has happened?

What has happened to me? I used to be fairly organized, prompt, dependable and a few other adjectives. The days are whizzing by and I am not getting much done it seems. I always have such good intentions but the next thing I know a nap sounds like a good idea and boom it is time to go to bed.
But here I go again trying to turn over a new leaf and set a goal of posting something to the two major blogs for me every day. I suppose my bad habits have earned me a few less loyal readers and if so I fear I deserve it.
Yesterday I was reminded of a photo I took awhile back. We were at Pepe's on the River, a bar,dance hall, loud music, food and drink kind of place and we were there with 10 or 12 people when we look over at the next table and saw a man and woman reading a book! Yup, reading a book!
Here is the proof.

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