Sunday, June 17


We have a day off today. Butch is immersed in the US Open. I am doing laundry. I hung some sheets on the line and then the wind came up so I went out to take them down and they were dry! A full five minutes had elapsed.
There are 30 departures today from the campground so the hosts working today (not us) will be busy. The work days are getting easier and more enjoyable. It doesn't pay to take 3 years off from the work force. It seems one has a work fitness as well as a mental and physical fitness. It has been good for us to be back!

The weather in the mountains is a very different experience from anywhere else we have ever been. The mountains seem to knock those clouds around like pinballs making it impossible to predict where they may go. We can see the clouds hung up on the divide and we can tell it is precipitating to beat the band and we will remain in sunshine.
People who have been here before are in "Tree Shock" when they come here now. The pine beetles have devastated the area and the effects will be decades in the healing. But the bottom line is that it is still and will remain a beautiful place.

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