Wednesday, May 24

Stormy weather

Last night I was deep in sleep about 11:30 PM while Butch was less so apparently as he heard someone knocking on our door. I got up but had difficulty getting my wits about me to open the door for a park ranger who informed us storms were on their way and would arrive about midnight. Strong winds (70+MPH) and lightning, posssible hail and we should secure things. I was rattled but tried to go back to bed and sleep...It didn't work for quite a while. It was a good drill for us however as when someone comes to the door in the middle of the night we should open the window to talk to them rather than the door in case they are unsavory characters. I will try to remember that next time. Also, the storm wasn't much. The knock on the door and the subsequent stress was far worse than the storm.

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