Tuesday, May 10

Smile! Recipe for Cleaning Clothes

1. Build a fire in the backyard to heat kettle of rain water.
2. Set Tubs so smoke won't blow in eyes if windy.
3. Shave one whole cake of lye soap in boiling water.
4. Sort clothes, make three piles: one pile whites, one pile colored
and one pile work britches and rags.
5. To make starch, stir flour in cool water till smooth, then thin down
with boiling water.
6. Take white things, rub dirty spots on washboard, scrub hard and then
boil. Rub colored, don't boil, just rinse and starch.
7. Take things out of kettle with broomstick handle, then rinse and
8. Hang old Rags on Fence.
9. Spread tea towels on grass.
10. Pour Rinse water in flower bed.
11. Scrub porch with hot soapy water.
12. Turn tubs upside down.
13. Go put on clean dress, smooth hair with hair combs, brew cup of
tea, sit and rock a spell and count your blessings.

Hang this above your automatic washer and when things look bleak, read
it again and again.

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