Friday, November 12

We haven't told everyone about the bullet hole yet....:-) When we were looking at motorhomes we noticed a couple...ours being one of them... that had some damage. It appeared to be vandalism. The damage noticed on ours was a hole in the bedroom wall and sliding door. My first thought was someone poked a screwdriver through it. Thought it was awful of someone to do that but then that does seem to be the way it is these days. But that wasn't the case at all! Four un its suffered bullet hole damage! There is an overpass not far from the dealership and apparently they took potshots at brand new motorhomes and hit four of them. The damage has been taken care of on ours...or at least it soon will be. You can be sure that Butch will show everyone where the damage has been repaired and covered up with a small American flag on the back of our RV ( Residential Vehicle). Posted by Hello

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