Friday, March 21

Happy Hour Conversation

  I keep telling people that our "Happy Hour" is NOT a gossip fest and they give me a skeptical look. One person even said, "Aren't they all?". So as a random thought I decided to take notes on the subjects covered during happy hour. Ours runs from 4-5. After all we are a very busy bunch and we have other things awaiting our attention.

So yesterday this was the rundown:

1. What is the population of Reynosa Mexico. I had recently heard it was 4 Million and that seemed very high. One said they had heard 1 Million. I looked it up and the answer is 1,000,000 in 2020. It was admitted that it fluctuated.

2.The Dangers of seniors and ladders. We shared ladder stories and it seemed everyone had one!

3. Good breakfasts are served at Victoria Palms.

4. We talked about Ropa. A place where people should go at least once. Some people are repulsed by it and others look at it as a fun treasure hunt. Ropa Usada is Used Clothing in English. There are large buildings in far South Texas where discarded clothing is gathered from all over the US with its next stop being overseas. Tre Demensions is a popular Ropa Usada place. This particular place has a mountain of clothing in the middle and people climb the mountain to find their treasures. Gotta see it to believe it!

5. Dentists in Mexico. Seems everyone has a favorite.

6. There is a German restaurant, 'Schneider's' that one of the happy hour people recently went to and gave a good review. It is located 1/2 block north of Dove on Ware Road.

7. We talked about allergies and the different types and suffering of such.

8. Tom Ball stopped by and we talked about his black powder shooting. Not a subject that comes up often.

9. Rumor has it they caught the bike thief, but then you know how rumors are.

10. One of us mentioned they had scratch marks on their car from a cat and would not have believed it but they witnessed it.

11. We talked about the new directory and how great it was!

12. We admired Linda C. new shoes!

13. We discussed food and things we had made lately. Such as Bacon and Waffles.

Promptly at 5:00 we depart and look forward to the next one!

Thursday, March 20

Close to normal

 I enjoyed a good night's sleep. I was only up twice and then right back to sleep. It is far from a trend but it is a wonderful start.

My next 'job' is to remember my haircut appointment in 30 minutes.

Butch and I went to the Alamo Cafe for breakfast. I enjoyed my usual veggie omelet and Butch had a breakfast taco as he had not had one for a long time. It used to be his number one go-to for breakfast This was followed by a quick trip to H.E.B. to get what I needed for a fish fry we have been invited to this weekend. And now you are all caught up?

We are on the lookout for normal and will let you know when we find it.

Wednesday, March 19

Sherri and Sam and the Blizzard

These pics do not show the mess we are in! We walked 60 ft to Perkins, got wet feet, a sore face from the snow/sleet, and  I had to hold on to Sam as the wind was so strong I struggled to stay upright. 
I only have Texas clothes, so needless to say, it was an excruciating short walk, and then we had to wait as their system kept crashing and losing power, we finally got lunch and a cup of hot tea

Finding the Funny?

 I am trying to find it! I know it is here somewhere! 

It started with an early morning text message from friends Sherri and Sam who were coming to Trophy to spend some time with us. Their flight was cancelled and they were trying to get rebooked for tomorrow. They were unable to get that done. When you are involved in a top grade, one hundred percent old-time BLIZZARD. The world as you know it comes to a screeching halt. They came to Omaha and spent the night in a motel because they had an early flight. So now they cannot come to Texas and they cannot go home! The snow is blowing horizontally offering minimal vision. There is an eating place across the road but it is not safe getting there!


If I wrote a book no one would believe it! When I picked up my last prescription the pharmacist told me that some people who take lisinopril will have a reaction to Bactrim. He said some people, not all will have random pains all over their body. Guess what? I am having random pains all over my body. I had the doctor call in a different med. When Butch gets home he will groan when he finds out we have to go to CVS again! 😜Can you believe it!?

My wish is for a humdrum ordinary kind of day!

Hey! My house is clean and the laundry is done.


On a lighter note

Next Tuesday will be the last Trivia session of the season.
I love this pic. It says so much about this particular team. They change their team name each week and this week they were One Dave Down. One of their crew 'Dave" was not able to make it that night.

Friday, March 14

Down Mexico Way

 I gathered up my lengthy med list and we went to Hector's to get it filled. Not having been there since the political s--t-storm, we did not know what to expect. We had been told that the number of people was way down and we did not find that to be true. Maybe less MAGA hats but there were plenty of people. Both parking lots were full.

We started off with a pedicure. It had been a long time and it felt oh-so-good! It feels like you have two new feet.

We did not know what the walk was going to be like for Butch because he had not walked that distance (1 mile) since his heart episode. We took a moderated walk and it was fine. Butch did well. It was hot, and we did everything we could to stay in the shade. Easily done. We had a nice visit with Hector as we always do.

We had our list filled and once it was all put together it looked sizable and I started to worry as they get fussy about bringing too much back. After considerable thought and if they called me on "too much," I was going to say I was worried that I might not get to come back ever. That was only partially true, however, I know many Winter Texans who believe that to be very true!

At the border we went straight through. I was asked what I was bringing back and I said "Meds" as usual and he asked if any of them were controlled and I truthfully said 'No'. And then walked to the conveyer belt that normally scans everything. Same question, what are you bringing back, "Meds"and I said I was loaded up because I wasn't sure we could come back. He looked in the bag and not seeing anything amiss, asked me why I would think that and I answered because of the 'State of the Union'. He said, I understand that one! He also told me he was more than a little upset after losing a sizable portion of his 401K. I offered my sympathy.

Bottom line we came through without a hitch. 

We have company coming next week and we plan to show them the pleasure of a Progresso Pedicure. We enjoy sharing the pleasures of the Rio Grande Valley.

It was good to be home as always!

Tuesday, March 11

When it rains...

 The last month has been one incident after another, and I still hope for an end to the endless trips to doctor appointments and pharmacies. We still have a few ahead of us, and they are spread a ways apart. It puts more than a damper on other activities as well.  I think we are both on the mend and headed in the right direction.

It is a fact that the season for Trophy Gardens is winding down. Most activities taper off after the first of March and many of us are ready for a break.  We won't be leaving until Mid April. So we will be putting our feet up and going with the flow. 

We have company coming later this month and we will be showing them the ropes. Now if we can decide on what ropes to show them! It is impossible to get a feel for the Rio Grande Valley and Trophy Garden living in 4 days. We will do our best!

One of the things that gets so far behind is staying in contact through all devices; texting, emailing, Facebook etc. It can turn from a molehill to a mountain in a day or two. I feel as though I am now close to being caught up. Let me know if I have left something out. 🥰

Friday, March 7


 We are both recovering. At least I hope so. Whenever I am required to take antibiotics, a yeast infection is soon to follow and somehow I forget that fact and then I suffer. To add to that, I am allergic to the med most commonly prescribed for that. If the med prescribed has the letters F-L-U in them, I cannot take them because a trip to ER will come next.

And now...Butch was pumped full of antibiotics in the hospital with his heart issues and then he came home and developed a yeast infection. It's official name is Thrush. Then we spent yesterday morning in the doctors office to get some scripts and the pharmacy to get relief.

So jump to this morning and we are both feeling better. Butch is grumbling about the upcoming "Spring Forward" so he must be better or at least back to normal. And I was able to get 8 hours sleep which hasn't happened for a very long time.

Backing up a bit: We have both managed to get some pool played. Butch came in second in the In-Park Singles, his first event after coming home from the hospital. That might not sound like much, but there were 24 or 26 men that competed, all of them top notch players.

And Renie and I play in the Mid-Valley Womens 8-Ball League. We were new to league play and we went into it with no expectations of having anything more than  fun. Our last play of the season was Wednesday, March 5th. We both played well and we attribute that to having no expectations. Bottom line we came in 4th for the season.  We look forward to next season. The league is friendly and fun to play with and next season a friend from the old Magnolia park will be playing on the Trails End team. See you on league days, Deon!

Gary and Susan sent me flowers for my birthday yesterday. They are beautiful!


Tuesday, March 4

Home Sweet Home

 We got home late Saturday afternoon. We are super glad to be here but physically and mentally worn out. And all the "home" things that need attention have been waiting. Writing here so friends and family can watch the process is late in getting written. Not to mention all the usual activities we participate in, most having had to be set aside. Maybe next week. The biggest blow of the weekend is finding out how much his meds are. One is less than $10, the other $429 a month after insurance. Thank god we are where we are because after checking with our friend Hector, the $429 one will be $100 a month. I know there are a few naysayers out there, however, we have been getting our Meds from south of the border for 20 plus years and never had a problem. After all, our pharmacist down there says our people get sick too and you are getting the same meds they get.

We are both very sleepy and can take a nap at the drop of a hat. We are hoping to have our happy life back soon. It may take a while.

Our pool abilities are a little left of center for both of us. We will take the time to recover soon. In the meantime, another nap sounds like fun!