Tuesday, March 12

Have You Ever Thought About This?

In 100 years like in 2124 we will all be buried with our relatives and friends.

Strangers will live in our homes we fought so hard to build, and they will own everything we have today. All our possessions will be unknown and unborn, including the car we spent a fortune on, and will probably be scrap, preferably in the hands of an unknown collector.

Our descendants will hardly know who we were, nor will they remember us. How many of us know our grandfather's father?

After we die, we will be remembered for a few more years, then we are just a portrait on someone's bookshelf, and a few years later our history, photos, and deeds disappear into history's oblivion. We won't even be memories.

If we pause one day to analyze these questions, we may understand how ignorant and weak the dream to achieve it all was.

If we could only think about this, our approaches, and our thoughts would change, and we would be different people.

Always having more, no time for what's really valuable in this life. I'd change all this to live and enjoy the walks I've never taken, these hugs I didn't give, these kisses for our children and our loved ones, these jokes we didn't have time for. Those would certainly be the most beautiful moments to remember, after all, they would fill our lives with joy.

Some of us waste it daily with greed, selfishness, and intolerance.

Every minute of life is priceless and will never be repeated, so take time to enjoy, be grateful for, and celebrate your existence.❤️

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